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GULLAH COLLECTION_ “Gullah Woman” (1931)

Our Origins

Ashé Naturals is your one stop shop for your curio, conjuring and herbal needs. We specialize in herbal blends, conjuring tools and intentional oils

All products are organic, natural and handmade. Our name Ashé is a word used in Yoruba culture, meaning "is the divine force, energy,confirmation and power incarnate in the world. Ashé is everything, including inanimate objects. Ashe is the power behind all things in the universe. It enables people to find balance in life". Our mission is to have Ashé within all things we create as tools to connect to the divine spirit and ones' higher self. We take pride in our products and we always make them with LOVE and INTENTION. 

We also acknowledge our southern roots and connection to hoodoo with our offerings. Hoodoo Medicine is African American natural healing. Its roots go back centuries to the first enslaved Africans who brought knowledge of healing plants with them and learned more from the American Indians and European settlers they lived among.

We will continue to honor our ancestors and respect their teachings, so that we can finally activate the magic the resides inside of all of us.


About Us: About Us
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